And, no, I don't mean the singer. I do mean missing in action. Time to catch everybody up!
When tech week happens I tend to disappear from everybody except the theatre. Luckily I have an extremely understanding trainer who felt that my getting some much needed sleep after my repeated nights of 2:00 am bed times was more important than going to the gym. I was exhausted and was a tired, teary mess. Tech week everything is at its most overwhelming and there is no time to waste time on something that isn't going to work.
Willy Wonka Kids opened to a whole SOLD OUT weekend. In fact, the whole run is now sold out. For the first time in Box/Cardboard Playhouse Theatre Company History every single ticket for our run has been purchased. An amazing feeling. The show is amazingly adorable. 30 kids (the most in CPTC history) take the stage ranging in ages 7-16. Super fun, and the music is super catchy.
On top of that awesomeness, our determination letter from the IRS came in and Cardboard Playhouse Theatre Company has been approved as a non-profit! We can now apply for grants, accept donations, and offer deductions to people who donate to us. It changes the big picture for us and I can't help but to feel relieved and thankful for that amazing opportunity to take our theatre company to the next level. Hopefully, with help from others, we will soon be able to draw salaries for all the work that we do and put more into our productions, marketing, and plans for the future.
Headed in to Hot Yoga on Sunday morning, had a good class. More standing poses, which I always feel a little bit better about. I feel more stable, grounded, which I think is what you are supposed to get out of them. Then Rebecca shows us the Bird of Paradise pose.... woah. Perhaps someday I'll get there, but dang that girl is flexible. This isn't Rebecca, but it's what the pose looks like.

After class she and I had a really nice talk about how it can be frustrating to watch others in class complete poses and not be able to get there fully, or sometimes even partially. How it's hard to watch oneself in the mirror going into poses as one gets stuck in their head about how they look. I'm totally talking about myself. It's always a nice reminder at the beginning of class that the instructors remind us to not have negative self talk as we look in the mirror, to smile at ourselves and remember our intentions for class that day. But sometimes its hard to not be critical of yourself, especially when I can remember being able to do some of these poses in the past, and not can't. However, I was able to touch a couple of fingers to the ground in a forward fold and I felt comfortable going up into downward dog, although I couldn't hold it for very long. It's the class where I feel like I'm seeing the most progress so far. Wilton has said that my form has gotten better, but that it still need a lot of improvement. We will get there. After our nice talk, I went into the main studio and jumped on the scale. 270.1 lbs. That means that I've lost a total of 18 pounds since the beginning. Whoo!
Shock (Cardio boxing) was okay this morning. I still get lost sometimes when CJ changes up the routine and by the time my muscles have finally figured out the order, we've moved on to the next set. I know it has a little to do with the fact that I'm not getting enough sleep, and I wasn't feeling totally great.
After class I was feeling pretty sick to my stomach and ended up calling in sick to work. Slept all day. Must have been something I ate the night before. I don't know. Feeling much better now and I think it all passed through my system.
Pulled it together for our Alice in Wonderland Jr. auditions tonight. Saw 46 kids. That's a lot.
Everything is feeling on the up and up. I know there is much more to go, but I'm still looking forward with a positive heart. Thank you to all who are following my journey. I greatly appreciate it.
All the love,