Lots of things have been happening, and I've been trying to go to sleep at night rather than spend hours on the computer trying to write my blog and staring at Facebook instead, but I haven't written in a long time, so a blog for you lovely readers and cheerleaders.
1. I have ankles again!
2. My legs are muscle-y.
3. I wore dresses 2 days this past weekend and didn't feel uncomfortable. (I did wear some short leggings underneath though!)
4. I had a moment of clarity in PAINE last week where I remembered that when I started this whole process I couldn't even do a mountain climber or a plank. It was almost impossible to lift my hips off the ground, I was so heavy. Now, they are still hard to do, but I can do them! Still working on form, but that will get there.
5. I have muscles in my arms!
6. Zumba is super fun, but AWESOMELY fun when Erin and Jennifer are in class.
7. I'm looking forward to Jennifer's NIA class in July!
8. We got asked to be on the After After Party with Steven Michael Quezada to talk about The Box and filmed it tonight. Some of the members of The Show got to do improv on there too. I'll let you guys know when it airs!
9. I finished writing the first scene of my play last week. It feels a little heavy handed, but it's a first draft and will hopefully get better.
10. I haven't lost any weight in about a month. I know a lot of it is because I haven't really been eating right, but I also have still been seeing changes in my body, so I'm hoping that some of that is because I've been rocking some serious muscle!
11. Phase 3 of the workout regime will begin soon. I should be getting my schedule from Wilton tomorrow.
12. I interviewed for a job today. It was short, but I felt it went well. I should hear something by the end of the week.
13. I'm getting a haircut tomorrow!
14. The 6th Annual Duke City Improv Festival is this weekend! You all should come. Seriously.
15. It's my 31st Birthday on Friday! Also another reason why you should come to the improv festival and wish me a Happy Birthday.
I guess that's all for now.
All the love,
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