Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hold me closer...

I'd really love it if Zach Galifinakis would interpret my blog. Then it would be hilarious. This was my first introduction to Zach. Way before the Hangover movies. Such a funny dude.

I've choreographed tons of songs in my head. This song being one of them. I used to dance a lot when I was a kid.  I was in Junior Jazzercise. We'd perform at the mall, and at parks, and at Cliff's before they turned that stage into the entrance for The Rattler. I loved it. I think it's where my love of performing really came from.

Sometime around mid-school, because that's when all kids start to lose themselves sadly, I stopped taking classes. My sister still took classes, but for some reason I just wasn't interested any more.

In college, I took quite a few dance classes. Modern Dance, Movement Improvisation, Dances for Theatrical Use... like from different cultures or something, Laban Movement Analysis, Tap, and Intro to Dance. I really did take Intro to Dance in like the second or third year of taking dance classes. I fulfilled a requirement of some sort. I think in the end I was about 2 or 3 classes away from having dance as a minor. We were required as theatre students to audition for the dance shows every semester. I would always put on the back of my audition form, "please do not cast."

I regret this a bit now. I look back and think that it probably would have been a lot of fun to be in a dance show. But I think more than anything I was scared of being the "big girl" in the dance show. There was a time when I had heard the dance instructor at the time yell at a girl, who as pretty fit, to "suck in her gut" during a really beautiful modern piece. I so didn't want anyone yelling that at me.

I'd like to start dancing again. I'm still scared of being the "big girl" but it's some of the only exercise I actually enjoy doing. There's emotional connection there, connecting the body with the brain. I just found out that on Mondays and Wednesdays at noon at eVolv they have Zumba now! I'm going to see if I can add that on to my schedule for those days. I think it would be good to move again.

And perhaps some day you'll see my choreography for this song. I'm not promising it will be good or anything, but it certainly rocks in my head.

All the love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi dear Kristin! I haven't read your blog in a while so I dropped in and read your lastest! As an old dancer I have to say PLEASE DO DANCE!!!! After I became injuried I danced until the pain was just too much to bare. Now after ten years of not moving and gaining weight I'm so ready to move again. It won't be easy but in the Zumba class (if you find a good one) you will see that what you look like won't matter!! You will be having way too much fun w/ the engery of the dancing!! If you let your self not worry about anything else but the fun of moving you will do so good! Please try to fit it into your schedule!! Can't wait to hear what you decided to do. I'm looking for a Zumba class here in LV too.:-)