Friday, September 28, 2012


It's a good feeling to leave a workout covered in sweat, knowing that you did your best in class. Sufficed to say that Hot Yoga is going well. I've been feeling great after each class and not at all defeated like I sometimes do after a cardio class.

The affirmations are nice. Knowing what each position is doing to help my body is nice. I'd have to say I'm pretty "in like" with yoga.

Here's to the start of a beautiful friendship.

All the love,

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

When you feel icky

When you feel sick, and work out a lot, and are generally busy you have days where you just feel icky and gross. Then add your monthly visitor to the mix and then it's all downhill. Nothing is worse than feeling so icky.

Then you take a shower and clip your nails and put your hair up into something other than a ponytail and you start to feel human again, that it is okay to be seen in public.

Then you get a complement that you are looking good and you look like you've lost weight and then the day suddenly get significantly better.

All the love,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Update

On Friday I went to urgent care and waited about 2 hours to been seen by a doctor. He sent me for X-rays for my feet. Definitely have Plantar Fasciitis, and a Heel Spur. The doctor seems to think that since it's been hurting for 2 weeks it should take 2 weeks to start feeling better and gave me a list of some stretches.

Been taking yoga for the last 2 days and I think my feet are actually starting to feel better.

My congestion is clearing up too.

If things keep going this way I should be back to normal by the end of next week!

Here's to hoping!

All the love,

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Going to the Doctor

I'm going to the doctor tomorrow morning. My ears are feeling a lot of pressure and my feet are still hurting. It's time. Thinking it's a sinus infection and hoping for some amoxicillan.

Here's to getting better!

All the love,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sick, But Standing

My congested nose has now turned into an awful cough, so I know I'm in the homestretch of whatever this is! Yay!

I tried Trinity Hot Yoga this afternoon with Jen and it was awesome. My only complaint is that it wasn't longer! After taking 75 and 90 minute yoga classes in that hot room, 60 minutes seems like nothing.

My feet are still hurting, but I think doing the reclining hero position broke up some stuff. Might do it for a little longer tonight before going to bed. I'm no where close to getting even this far down, but someday!

And we're on to the next show at The Box. Had auditions tonight for Cardboard Playhouse Theatre Company's Vampire Hamburger. It's going to be a really fun show.

That's all in my world. See you tomorrow!

All the love,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sick of Being Sick

Plantar Fasciitis is still wreaking havoc with my feet. And of course right on schedule with a big show closing I have come down with a nasty cold. Ugh. Not being able to breathe or have pressure on my feet for long periods of time is not the best way to keep in this game.

I'm trying to do my best to take care of myself, drink plenty of liquids, vitamins, get lots of sleep. I'm starting to feel better, and hopefully by Wednesday I'll be able to go back to the gym.

Still looking for a part time job. I did a phone interview with the Verizon call center, but they are so crazy strict about their scheduling (which I totally understand in that line of work) it would just never work out for running the theatre. Guess I just need to keep looking.

How have you all been?

All the love,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Asleep at My Post

I fell asleep sitting on the couch last night, computer in lap. Totally didn't make it to writing a blog last night. I must have been REALLY tired.

My feet are still hurting, so CJ suggested I go to yoga this morning. I think for the most part it helped, but while I was in Warrior II I felt some major pain in my left foot, so I came out of the pose and drank some water. All in all it was a successful class. I'm glad I went.

It's hard to stay off your feet when there is so much going on. We are having to move the theatre's MASSIVE costume collection out of our current storage into a new place. That was most of last weekend and some of this week. We still have some more to do, but we are nearing the end of it all. My advice for if you ever start a theatre, get a gigantic warehouse before you start so you've got a place to keep the gazillions of things people donate and you collect over the years. I swear, there are costumes that I don't think I've ever seen on a kid, but I'm sure they'll be used at some point.

It's the LAST WEEKEND of Little Shop of Horrors. I hope that you'll come out and see it. I also think it's probably going to sell out all performances, so if you are planning on coming get tickets ASAP or come really early to the Box Office to ensure your seats.

It's time to put my feet up for the evening. Hope you all are doing great.

All the love,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Need a Job & New Feet

My feet are still in pain. Wilton has told me to ride the bike at my apartment tomorrow and stay off my feet as much as possible.

I'm also looking for a part time job. Anybody hiring? Here's my resume.

Send me an email at if you have any openings you think I might be good for.

Best wishes in all of your endeavors!

All the love,


Pain. So much pain.

My feet have been killing me. We moved about 1/2 of our stuff out of our storage space into our new storage space for the theatre's costumes and props. Two days of boxing stuff up and loading them in cars and then walking them up stairs and hanging stuff up on racks. And then doing shows on top of that.

For the last week, the heels of my feet, my left foot in particular has been in a lot of pain. Add that moving on top of that and I could barely walk this morning. I called Wilton and he agreed that I should rest my feet.

I got another set of inserts for my shoes, because the others weren't giving enough support. I will attempt PAINE tomorrow. Hopefully, I won't be in more pain after PAINE. Rachel thinks it's Plantar Faciatis. Any tips?

Well, it's bedtime.

All the love,

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Little Shop

Great workout today.

Great Pay What You Can Performance tonight. I'm super proud of Little Shop of Horrors! Come see this show. Here's how you can get tickets.

It was a super long today and I most definitely need a shower, so I'm off.

All my love,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Caught a little of the Democratic National Convention tonight. What an exciting time we live in. So much hope in the world.

I don't normally get in to politics. I think it's a personal thing and should be kept personal, like one's religion. But what I will say is that I'm excited that we are living in a time where we are actually seriously talking about giving every single person the freedom to declare their love and commitment to whomever they want.

Good workout today in Body Combat. Met my weight loss goal for CJ today. Down to 251.2 pounds which brings our grand total of weight lost to 37 pounds. That's pretty amazing. Hopefully by next week we will be in the 240s. Gotta make these last 4 months count.

Thank you again to everyone for their support and cheering me on. I'm back on track.

All the love,

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Upon a Star

Source: via Khel on Pinterest

I wish for lots of things.... like calorie free donuts. That's a silly wish, I know. But a lot of my other wishes I need for them to come true soon.

I wish for the strength to make the changes I need to make to live a fuller life.

I wish to make it through all of my workouts.

I wish for consistency in my life.

I wish for knowing my purpose.

I wish for guidance.

I wish to learn from my mistakes.

I wish to grow.

I wish for patience and love and caring for the people that are important in my life.

I wish to stop being so stubborn, spoiled, selfish and self-centered.

I wish to be organized and how to ask for help.

I wish for success in what I love doing.

I wish for more focused hours during the day.

I wish for restful sleep in the night.

I wish to not take everything so seriously.

I wish to know when to hold my tongue.

I wish for love and trust and respect.

That's some of what I wish. I hope your wishes are granted soon.

All the love,

Monday, September 3, 2012

You Can Do It

Sometimes you just have to put your brain in another place in order to accomplish a goal or a task. I met with Wilton on Friday for personal training and let him know I was exhausted and stressed out. Opening a show can take a lot out of well as the rest of my amazing company, but more on that later. We went for our usual walk around my elementary school (which has changed so much!) and down by the ditch the runs along the back side of the school. As we neared San Pedro, Wilton stopped. I knew what was up. It was time to do The Hill again.

I immediately began to panic. My head started to go to all of its fears of falling. But I knew that I had done it once before. I could do it again, but that I needed a moment. To quote High School Musical, I needed to get "My Head in the Game."

I focused on this hole in the ditch, I think it's a place where a gutter runs to to get the water into the ditch. Just kept my eyes on this. Didn't think about anything else except that hole. And what do you know? I was able to climb up and down the hill 10 times on Friday. Whoo!

After that I had a million errands to run before our show. Lots of last minute things that needed to be finished. Then cleaning like crazy. Normally on these nights I'm one of the last ones to get ready. I usually have some sort of breakdown and then people send me home to get dressed. This time we had about 30 minutes before people were going to start showing up and I told my stage manager I was going home and I would be back soon. Caught myself before the breakdown happened. That was good. And things moved forward without me.

Opening night was a technical disaster. I have to preface this by saying that my actors are AMAZING and they roll with the punches so well and really had great performances Friday night. It also helps having an amazing audience. Technically though, so many problems. Set pieces falling apart, computer programs failing, songs not playing all the way through and last but not least our Big Audrey II started to come apart just as it was time to eat people. But we got through the show and most people in the audience had no idea that there were any problems. I really credit that to my company. My actors and technicians are amazing and just keep moving forward.

Saturday night still had some glitches, but was much better although we had a quiet audience. It's hard to perform for people who are scared to laugh in front of others. Everyone I talked to though enjoyed the show, so I know they liked it.

Sunday was the best though! Great audience reactions, Pretty much technically perfect, and again AMAZING performances.

Today I went to Shock, came home to do laundry and promptly fell asleep on my couch. I slept a lot today. It was really nice.

Check out this video my business partner and voice of Audrey II made! Come see our show! It is really fun and entertaining. I'm very proud of it!