Sometimes you just have to put your brain in another place in order to accomplish a goal or a task. I met with Wilton on Friday for personal training and let him know I was exhausted and stressed out. Opening a show can take a lot out of well as the rest of my amazing company, but more on that later. We went for our usual walk around my elementary school (which has changed so much!) and down by the ditch the runs along the back side of the school. As we neared San Pedro, Wilton stopped. I knew what was up. It was time to do The Hill again.
I immediately began to panic. My head started to go to all of its fears of falling. But I knew that I had done it once before. I could do it again, but that I needed a moment. To quote High School Musical, I needed to get "My Head in the Game."
I focused on this hole in the ditch, I think it's a place where a gutter runs to to get the water into the ditch. Just kept my eyes on this. Didn't think about anything else except that hole. And what do you know? I was able to climb up and down the hill 10 times on Friday. Whoo!
After that I had a million errands to run before our show. Lots of last minute things that needed to be finished. Then cleaning like crazy. Normally on these nights I'm one of the last ones to get ready. I usually have some sort of breakdown and then people send me home to get dressed. This time we had about 30 minutes before people were going to start showing up and I told my stage manager I was going home and I would be back soon. Caught myself before the breakdown happened. That was good. And things moved forward without me.
Opening night was a technical disaster. I have to preface this by saying that my actors are AMAZING and they roll with the punches so well and really had great performances Friday night. It also helps having an amazing audience. Technically though, so many problems. Set pieces falling apart, computer programs failing, songs not playing all the way through and last but not least our Big Audrey II started to come apart just as it was time to eat people. But we got through the show and most people in the audience had no idea that there were any problems. I really credit that to my company. My actors and technicians are amazing and just keep moving forward.
Saturday night still had some glitches, but was much better although we had a quiet audience. It's hard to perform for people who are scared to laugh in front of others. Everyone I talked to though enjoyed the show, so I know they liked it.
Sunday was the best though! Great audience reactions, Pretty much technically perfect, and again AMAZING performances.
Today I went to Shock, came home to do laundry and promptly fell asleep on my couch. I slept a lot today. It was really nice.
Check out this video my business partner and voice of Audrey II made! Come see our show! It is really fun and entertaining. I'm very proud of it!
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