Thursday, September 13, 2012

Asleep at My Post

I fell asleep sitting on the couch last night, computer in lap. Totally didn't make it to writing a blog last night. I must have been REALLY tired.

My feet are still hurting, so CJ suggested I go to yoga this morning. I think for the most part it helped, but while I was in Warrior II I felt some major pain in my left foot, so I came out of the pose and drank some water. All in all it was a successful class. I'm glad I went.

It's hard to stay off your feet when there is so much going on. We are having to move the theatre's MASSIVE costume collection out of our current storage into a new place. That was most of last weekend and some of this week. We still have some more to do, but we are nearing the end of it all. My advice for if you ever start a theatre, get a gigantic warehouse before you start so you've got a place to keep the gazillions of things people donate and you collect over the years. I swear, there are costumes that I don't think I've ever seen on a kid, but I'm sure they'll be used at some point.

It's the LAST WEEKEND of Little Shop of Horrors. I hope that you'll come out and see it. I also think it's probably going to sell out all performances, so if you are planning on coming get tickets ASAP or come really early to the Box Office to ensure your seats.

It's time to put my feet up for the evening. Hope you all are doing great.

All the love,

1 comment:

Payasita said...

ealastiI love you post krisitin. I hope you make more time to keep your feet up. Yoga is like magic, not just for the body but for the spirit.

You are one amazing young and beautiful lady. You are a terrific director and owner of a fantastic theatre. I tell everyone I know about you and everyone involve at The Box.
I know someday, I will be honored to do something you guys. In the mean time, keep on moving cause you do it very well... keep on planting those amazing seeds. Me 2 am very tired and need to find some ZZZZ's. Thinking of you and glad I read your Blog. Old and tired Sandra :)