Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Eighth of Onward

Today is my half birthday. I had this big plan to re-launch this blog earlier today, but it didn't happen. Oh well.

My life hasn't been my life for a while now. I've been letting things just kind of happen to me. Being 6 months away from 30 years old makes you realize some things. I'm not having some crisis about turning 30. I know that I've accomplished a lot in my short life, but I know there are more "regular" things that I should have accomplished, but haven't.

So, it's time. It's time to make a pledge to myself, and to you readers out there, (if there are any) to take charge of my life. I need to be able to take care of myself, financially, physically, emotionally. I've been skating by, but I know I could be doing so much better. If you want to read my detailed pledge list click here.

One of my main goals is to get healthy and lose this weight that is holding me down in so many ways. I know I've said this before, I don't know how many times, but I'm really going for it this time. Already this week I did yoga, and walked 2 miles on my treadmill, which I know for some isn't very much, but for me (who is pretty sedentary) a big deal. I'm hoping to be 88 pounds lighter a year from today. I weighed myself this morning at 278 pounds (how did that happen???). By next December 8th, I will weight 198 pounds. Any thoughts or ideas on how to get me there would be greatly appreciated. I joined the new Planet Fitness location (hasn't opened yet.) I'm going to get some new tennis shoes for Christmas. Pictures will be coming tomorrow to let myself see the progress I've been making. I'm hoping that perhaps some of you will make a pledge of clothing for me for December. 88 pounds is quite a few dress sizes, and it would be great to have something to put on. It would really be a great source of encouragement to me. If you'd like to pledge clothing click here. I also want to see how this can give back to the community, so I'm looking into ways to do that.

Thank you to those of you who have loved, supported, listened, pushed and cared about me all these years. You have no idea how much I appreciate everything you have done for me.

Much love,


Heather said...

I have lots of great diet and workout tips and plans if you want them or if you want to get together and work out sometime. My biggest weight loss suggestion: keep a food journal. For the first week, don't even try changing what your eating, just write down everything (EVERYTHING- every bite, every taste, everything) as well as how you're feeling when you're eating (ie bored, hungry, happy, sad, lonely). It'll really key you in to exactly how many calories you're taking in as well as triggers that may be influencing what you're eating. seriously- this is life changing.

kat said...


it's a lot to tackle at once, so don't burn yourself out. but you can do it. sometimes you just have to step back and think about what your IDEAL life would look like -- and then figure out how to get there.

i really like for tracking food and workouts, and they have good articles too, and a community of really inspirational people. highly recommend.

you might want to think about tracking your actions, or how you feel, more than the # on the scale. do yoga X times per week, eat a salad every day, etc. the weight will follow... but it can fluctuate too which can be frustrating (both on the days it goes up and you were behaving yourself, AND on the days you cheated on your diet and then it goes down!). or think about tracking a weekly average instead of a daily weight, so you're really seeing the trend and not the water weight.

just remember you won't be perfect -- doing a little is better than doing nothing. and if you mess up one day, that doesn't mean you can't do better the next day. stay positive and don't beat yourself up -- we humans are creatures of habits and changing them is HARD.

p.s. i'm here from the other side of 30 to tell you -- 30s are AWESOME. i kind of dreaded it too, but i wouldn't go back to my 20s. 30s is all about getting it together and getting what you want out of life. it'll be awesome. :)
