Monday, December 31, 2012

Resolve Again

Well, here we are at the changing of another year. I could recount my victories, mini and otherwise, but you can read the archives for that.

I could go over all the things that I want to achieve in the next year, but I think those things should stay private for now.

What I will say is that I am proud of what I accomplished this year. It was a tough year, and I know that 2013 will throw more and some of the same obstacles in my way, but I feel better about overcoming those things this time around.

Being lost in this great big world is scary and exciting. Growth comes from being lost and finding/creating parts of yourself along the way. I rediscovered parts of my soul this year, and opened up new ones which I greatly value.

My greatest wish is for all of us to discover something this year that makes us truly and abundantly happy and joyful.

All the love and Happy New Year,

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