Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kristin's Rules for Owning a Scale

These are my own rules and they are designed to be a little funny. I hope that this makes you laugh... or smirk a little bit.

1. Never weigh yourself on 2 consecutive days. Whether it goes up or down, you'll never be happy with the results.

2. Always use the toilet first, then weigh in.

3. Never weigh in after a holiday or long weekend or right after you've attended a party.

4. Always weigh in in the morning, preferably after a hot yoga class.

5. Sometimes the light tap to get it to turn on is never enough. I prefer the hard stomp.

6. If possible, remove all clothing including hair bands, socks, jewelry before stepping on scale.

7. Does holding your breath make you weigh more, less, or the same? I know that's not really a rule, but a variable I'm experimenting with.

8. Closing your eyes while waiting for the digital read out to finish always results in a surprise!  Although sometimes it's not a happy one.

9. Round down.

10. Don't buy a scale if you are going to be neurotic about what the read out says and then write a silly list of rules on how to use it.

One day at a time.

All my love,


Ruthie said...

Haha. I love the use the toilet first rule.

Ruthie said...

Hahaha! I love the use the toilet rule.