Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Upon a Star

Source: weheartit.com via Khel on Pinterest

I wish for lots of things.... like calorie free donuts. That's a silly wish, I know. But a lot of my other wishes I need for them to come true soon.

I wish for the strength to make the changes I need to make to live a fuller life.

I wish to make it through all of my workouts.

I wish for consistency in my life.

I wish for knowing my purpose.

I wish for guidance.

I wish to learn from my mistakes.

I wish to grow.

I wish for patience and love and caring for the people that are important in my life.

I wish to stop being so stubborn, spoiled, selfish and self-centered.

I wish to be organized and how to ask for help.

I wish for success in what I love doing.

I wish for more focused hours during the day.

I wish for restful sleep in the night.

I wish to not take everything so seriously.

I wish to know when to hold my tongue.

I wish for love and trust and respect.

That's some of what I wish. I hope your wishes are granted soon.

All the love,

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