Thursday, January 12, 2012


"Nothing happens unless first we dream."
- Carl Sandburg, was an American writer and editor, best known for his poetry.  
This quote is from a newsletter I get every morning from The Daily Love. It's a good one and I recommend checking it out. Full of inspirational quotes and stories. 

Wilton is also full of inspirational quotes and stories. Somehow I get a pick me up text message from him just when I need one. It's pretty cool. I'm lucky to have a great new friend and teacher.

Let's get to today. I ran late to everything today. I was late to the gym, and then late getting out of the gym, and then REALLY late getting to work. There were lots of little things that seemed to go wrong with today, yet somehow I was able to take all the information that came in to me today and work with it.

Starting with the gym I was about 10 minutes late. I had to grab all of my equipment and catch up to where everybody else was. That was okay. Then, my sports bra decided it didn't want to stay attached to itself anymore.... The straps on this sports bra detach so you can make it a racerback or a regular strapped bra. It decided it didn't want to do either of those and came loose right in the middle of my workout. I had to stop, go into the bathroom, take it off, reattach the straps and then put it all back on again. It was pretty funny. And frustrating. I just wish they made a supportive sports bra for bigger ladies like myself. In fact I wish the whole sport clothing line industry made better clothing for bigger girls! It might make us feel more inclined to work out! Anyway, finished the workout which went well today. Chris is a great instructor who always remembers to mention the modifications of the workout. So nice for me. Put all the equipment away and talked to Wilton for a little bit before realizing that time had been ticking away like crazy. 

I hopped in my car and sped off back to my downtown apartment. Took a crazy fast shower, dressed, packed my lunch and made it to work late. Which sucked. Had a conversation with our HR manager and we were able to come to a solution on my tardiness. 

Time management has always been a problem for me. I've always misjudged the amount of time it is going to take to do something. Sometimes I even gauge too much time to do something when it really didn't take as long. As Jenny said to me today after work, the only thing I really have to worry about now is logistics. So, my goal is to plan my time out better. Try to wake up earlier to take care of my lunch and snacks for the day. Before going to sleep really look at what's on the docket for the next day and plan out what I can realistically get done. Hopefully I will get better with all of this.

Last night I put out a goal to the facebook world of once I get to my goal weight I will learn and perform the choreography to Beyonce's Single Ladies. She dances her butt off in that video. And she makes it look effortless, which is a true mark of someone's talent. So that's the goal. 

I've got to be at eVolve at 9:00 am, so I best be getting some sleep!

All the love,

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